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     Contracted as a consultant by a consortium of Bulgarian businessmen and developers. based in the captial of Sofia, it was my role to advise the local provinical governments on the advantanges of preserving the venacular style of houses for the future development of high end vacation residences and to give an awareness of the "ecotourism" market.

        After Bulgaria's entrance into NATO the country now has access to additional miles of stunning, and of as yet, undeveloped coastal regions along the Black Sea.

        My familiarity with the high end Hamptons residential construction market was the basis of my consultantcy. 

       Working with the American Embassy in Bulgaria this project culminated in a presentation that was delivered to the USTDA (United States Trade & Develpment Association) in Washington DC.  The primary objective was the securing of availabe US government grants to encourage American developers to invest in land along this coastline that has already been proven as a desirable resort area.

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